Paul Wesley is an American actor Best known for his roles as Stefan Salvatore in The CW The Vampire Diaries and as Aaron Corbett in the ABC Family miniseries Fallen. TV series. Vampire Diaries is one of the biggest teen shows to come out, especially with the influx in vampire phenomena it still generates a lot of views and gains a lot of popularity among the teen age group.
Paul has one of the best physiques I have seen in a while. His body type is lean, muscular, and defined. He has the "Hollywood Shrink Wrapped Abs Effect". Every time he flexes you can see the definition in his muscles. There is no wonder why millions of girls are obsessed with him. He is not only good looking, a vampire, he also has an amazing body.
A Free Video Which Explains an Advanced Strategy to Get the Hollywood... "Shrink Wrapped" Abs Effect
Paul used a common technique in Hollywood, called “The Shrink Wrap Effect”. Other stars that have used this technique include Taylor Lautner (Twilight: New Moon, another fellow vampire) and Brad Pitt.The Shrink Wrap Effect works by tightening your skin around your muscles. Here’s a video explaining The Shrink Wrap Effect:
Surely you must gain aload of muscle before doing this? else you would have no strength and would just end up looking really skinny?